Friday, June 20, 2008

Habit Exercise" called "6 Power Money Jars" from T. Harv Eker

Coretan kali ni saya petik dari blog zahir

T.Harv said it is not the amount of money that you put in but it is the habit of you manage the money that count. If you can show to the Universe that you can manage your Money well. There is no reason that the Universe give you more and more money to manage.

The 6 Power Money Jar:

1. Financial Freedom Account (FFA) - 10% from your income - for you to invest and build or buy passive business

2. Long Term Saving To Spend (LTSS) - 10% from your income - for long term saving for you to spend - etc tv, sports car and so on.

3. Education (EDU) - 10% from your income - for your own education not for your family. You need to GROW.

4. Necessity (NEC) - 55% from your income -for you and your family necessity. Here you need to earn more money or life simple.

5. Play (PLAY) - 10% from your income - spend this jar every month doing what you like.

6. Give (GIVE) - 5% from your income - give to others

What you do is buy a candy jar and label it and start a habit of dividing the money into this jar when you get any income. You can also having 6 bank account to do this.

Important rule to follow:

1. You must put money into FFA Jar every day doesn't matter the amount.

2. You must spend all the money inside the PLAY jar every month.

3. You cannot use FFA Jar for other things beside investment and passive business.

Nampak mudah, tapi kalau kita berjaya menjadikan habit atau tabiat.. ermm ia sungguh berkesan. Saya masih ingat, pernah terpapar dulu berita seorang nenek di Kelantan memenangi hadiah sebuah kereta Mercedes dalam pertandingan yang dianjurkan oleh salah satu bank. Apa yang istimewa nenek itu menyatakan beliau menyimpan duit keuntungan dari jualan nya setiap hari tidak kira berapa banyak [rule 1]. Dan menurut wartawan nenek tu telah menyimpan selama 50 tahun, purata simpannya setiap hari RM5.

Anda bayangkan kalau nenek tu simpan di ASB, saya hanya boleh cakap woow...Ok renung-renungkan.


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